
Why I Take My Shirt Off When I Run (And Other Ways To Boost Self Confidence)

I take my shirt off when I run. I am not my ideal body type nor am I even in the best shape I’ve ever been in personally. I am not confident and not hoping that heads turn as I run by (unless they’re turning in the opposite direction, not noticing me!).

But these are the exact reasons that I do it. I muster up the courage, take my shirt off and start running. And I survive. I don’t die of embarrassment or get scowls for my less than perfect mid-section. Then, I go home and shower and life goes on. Continue Reading


How To Choose The Right Multivitamin For Your Kids

Your kids are growing faster than you can keep up with it feels sometimes. They are maturing and developing both physically and mentally right before your eyes. This is why it is so critical they receive the right amount of all the nutrients their developing bodies need to achieve their full potential.

Eating a diet rich in organic, colorful, nutrient dense whole foods is the best way to achieve this. That is, however, easier said than done. Kids are picky eaters! They just don’t seem to care that kale is chalk-full of phytonutrients or that salmon is rich in brain-boosting DHA. So, what’s a parent to do?  Continue Reading


7 Secrets You Need To Know To Get Your Kids Eating Healthy

I remember my elementary school cafeteria days like it was yesterday. Every year I’d get to pick out a new, super cool lunch box and my mom would pack me some type of sandwich and a couple snacks to go along with it. That was great and all, but what was even better was when you’d convince your cafeteria buddy to swap out your less than appealing snacks (how did those carrot sticks get in here?!) for their pudding or graham crackers. 

Getting kids to eat healthy is hard! You can’t just try to reason with them or explain the nutritional benefits of broccoli and kale. With these 7 tricks, you can go into this school year armed with the secrets you need to get your kids eating healthy- without the tantrums! Continue Reading


3 Tricks To Survive A Restaurant Without Blowing Your Diet

“Sorry guys, I can’t come out to dinner. I’m on a diet.”

So, going on a diet not only takes away the foods you love, but now the people too?! This mindset is setting you up for failure. Surely you are not going to avoid all restaurants for the rest of your life to stick to your diet. And why are you dieting anyways?

Living a sustainable, healthy lifestyle can be challenging at times, but avoiding your friends and family for fear of falling off the wagon at a restaurant is just crazy. The difference between a diet and a healthy lifestyle is knowing that there are going to be some perfect days and plenty of not so perfect days- and that’s okay!

But fear not! There are 3 simple tricks to surviving a night out without completely backtracking on your health goals.  Continue Reading


Sleep To Curb Your Appetite

There are countless pills and drinks and supplements on the market that claim to suppress appetite, but did you know that all you really need is a little more sleep? When we sleep, our body releases the hormone called leptin, which helps create the feeling of satiation. Conversely, when you don’t get enough sleep, this drives your leptin levels down, making it more difficult to feel full.

If this wasn’t enough, a lack of sleep also increases the body’s production of another hormone called ghrelin. This hormone is responsible for making us feel hungry. So, when we deprive our body of sleep, we have an increased appetite and a more difficult time feeling full.You will be eating more and feeling less full. That, my friends, is a recipe for disaster!  Continue Reading

Fitness, Nutrition

Post-Workout Meals: Truth or Just Hype?

“What should I eat after I workout? Do I really need a post-workout meal? How soon should I eat it after training?”

These questions come up all the time. Depending on the frequency, intensity and duration of your training sessions, the answers will be unique to you. The person working out at a moderate intensity 3 days a week and the person hitting the gym 5 or more days a week, sometimes twice in a day, are going to have different requirements.

The goal of a post-workout meal is to reduce the amount of muscle protein damaged afterwards and to replenish glycogen stores, aiding in a faster recovery before the next workout. In general, the more frequently and intensely you are training, the more important a post-workout meal becomes.   Continue Reading


Carbohydrates: The Great Debate

“Good” carbs, “bad” carbs, “kinda okay, but only at certain times” carbs- what the what?!

So, what’s the deal with carbs? One person tells you to avoid them at all cost and they are terrible for you. Another tells you to eat them for energy. And yet another will say, “Well, some carbs are bad, but certain other ones are good”. Okay, because none of that’s confusing, right?

To say we are being sent mixed messages about carbohydrates is an understatement to say the least. So, let’s get this cleared up once and for all.  Continue Reading


A Smoothie Recipe For Every Day of The Week

A smoothie is a great option for an easy and fast meal replacement or afternoon snack. By adding the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats, you can get a balanced meal that will help to keep you full for hours. Here are 7 delicious and healthy smoothie recipes to try.

Creamy Banana Chocolate Smoothie
  • 8 oz. water 
  • 1 sc. chocolate protein powder
  • 1/4-1/3 banana
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 2-3 ice cubes

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Gluten-Free People Are Annoying!

Gluten-free people are annoying! Those yoga loving, green juice drinking hipsters turn their nose in judgement as you foolishly eat your “poisonous” bread and your “toxic” cookies. Leave me alone you gluten-free hippie!

Okay, I’m just kidding. I’m gluten-free and (I like to think) I’m not annoying. Here are the top 6 gluten-free stereotypes I encounter all the time and why they aren’t true.  Continue Reading


Should We Be Ditching The Mammogram?

Right around the age of 40, doctors start really pushing for a yearly mammogram.  No big deal, right? It’s just part of being a woman. So, you schedule your appointment, go to your specialist, squish yourself up against an ice cold slab of metal and get your mammogram. Not the most pleasant experience, but you have now done your due diligence to prevent breast cancer.

But have you? Why did you choose a mammogram over a thermogram? Did you even choose or was there only one option? Mammograms are a wonderful tool for early breast cancer detection. A thermogram is used for breast cancer prevention. Oh, and your thermogram won’t expose you to as much radiation as 1,000 chest x-rays like your mammogram just did.  Continue Reading